

Conference on Intellectual Property Conflicts in Vienna

On the 2.3.2018 there was a top-class panel in Vienna: Prof. Peter Picht (University of Zurich), Philipp Groz (Schellenberg Wittmer), Sam Granata (Court of Appeal Antwerp), David Perkins (WIPO Arbitrator and Mediator), Prof. Jacques de Werra (University of Geneva), Philipp Groz, Peter Adler, David Perkins Christian Loyau (ETSI), Alesch Staehelin (IBM) and Claudia Tapia (Ericsson).


David Perkins has named the following interesting numbers:

Duration of conflict resolution (in weeks):

Cost of conflict resolution (in thousands of dollars):

Result (% reached solutions):


20171012 SOLDAN Moot in Hannover

On the 13th and 14th of October 2017 the SOLDAN Moot took place in Hannover again. Peter Adler was invited to give feedback on the services of the jurors To give to students and students - an exciting and enjoyable task!

The Soldan Moot is a nationwide moot court competition for students of German law faculties. This event is organized by the Hans Soldan Foundation, the Federal Bar Association (BRAK), the German Bar Association (DAV), and the German Law Faculty Day (DJT).

On the basis of a fictional case, a German court case is simulated and students thus become involved in forensic activity made acquainted by lawyers. Students should be able to legally analyze a case, to reject evidence and to act as a representative of interest Formulate legal opinions. They should also deal with the counter-arguments and the court finally; from their position Navigation use convince


20171006 Victor Schachter in Zagreb

Victor Schachter, a distinguished former lawyer and business mediator from the United States, a senior partner of the firm Fenwick & West LLP, Silicon Valley, California and President of "Foundation for Sustainable Rule of Law Initiatives" has in his talk in front of Croatian lawyers explains in an interesting, attractive and comprehensible way why and how mediation simultaneously reduces profitability and profitability Satisfaction of lawyers in their daily work.

20170711 The IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition 2017

An event with a sole focus on Consensual Dispute Resolution that facilitates the development and practice of mediation and negotiation skills for students of law, business and other fields.
With universities from, among many others, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Lebanon, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States and students from law, business, diplomacy, political science, art history and economics a talented, diverse and truly global body of students have competed for 4 days in Vienna.

Adler Mediation Offices participated with two experts

Seventy professionals from 25+ jurisdictions across the world were bringing their experience and expertise from their work in governments, law firms, academia, mediation institutions, negotiation training companies and as mediator sand negotiators themselves.

Parents sell the company to kids

For the international business mediator Peter Adler, the problem has led to a trend reversal. "More and more daughters and sons are buying their parents off, not just on paper, but at the real market price," he says. What seemed unthinkable a few years ago now is made by one-third of his clients with family businesses.

Successors pay the overall value of the company in installments instead of letting the company be given. In this way, siblings who have not taken over do not feel that they are too short. And the purchase sets a clear signal to the founders that they are out. Adler recommends that at the beginning, as a clear signal, ten to twenty percent of the purchase price be paid to the parents in cash.